The Seven Noses of Soho

Dave Wright


We’re filming a documentary with camera equipment on loan from Tiger Aspect, and we’re looking to interview people about what they do or don’t know about the 7 Noses of Soho.

The project started as a kernel of an idea about a month ago but has gathered extraordinary momentum and now the vision of the documentary, the people involved and the resources we’ve hunted down confirm to us that we’re onto something with the potential to exceed our most ambitious expectations.

The Myth of the 7 Noses of Soho is a peculiar one. Rumour has it that there are 7 sculpted noses on buildings in the square mile that is Soho. It’s said that if an individual finds all 7 they also attain infinite wealth.

We’re filming a 15 minute documentary in Soho over only three days this week. In these 15 minutes we endeavour to find all of the noses.

We also want to discover as much information and misinformation as we can about the myth.

To hunt down the 7 noses we’re demanding your help. We need to know what you, as someone who spends some time in Soho, know about the 7 noses. Perhaps you know where one is? Or none? Are you acquainted with someone who knows where all 7 are? Are they infinitely wealthy? Or maybe you think it’s a load of bunkham and that we’re wasting our time?

Our shoot dates are today, tomorrow and Thursday – the 31st March, 1st and 2nd April. Just five minutes of your time would do it, and you’d help us on our journey to hopefully turn this curious myth into a legend.

That’s all.

Oh and if we find all 7 noses and become infinitely wealthy you can be assured that we would share the infinite wealth fairly with everyone involved.

Drop me a line here.

Best Wishes,
