Gaming Culture and the Arts

Hey, culture fans. Are you also gaming fans? I hope so. And if you’re not, I hope it’s a “not yet” rather than a never, because I’m really excited about the ongoing convergence of arts and interactive play. Some of you may have caught wind of an idea we’ve been developing behind closed doors – currently, and imaginatively, dubbed ‘The Game’ – which we’re steadily moving towards announcing officially. It’s a project we’re working on with a few non-theatre-industry bods who are really opening our minds to some fun new opportunities.

Rather than go on about this idea afresh, I’ll pull a “here’s one I made earlier”: a transcript of a Live Chat that The Guardian invited us to take part in last week with this very issue as it’s focused. It was an honour to be a part of the panel, which included Matt Adams, artist and director for Blast Theory, Jessica Curry, co-director and composer for thechineseroom, Alex Fleetwood, founding director of Hide&Seek and Iain Simons, director of GameCity. Everyone had some pretty insightful things to say – so do have a read and drop us a line if you feel like joining in the conversation – I’d love to hear what you think.

A summary of the discussion went up here today; the full transcript can still be read, with user comments, over here. Hope you enjoy!