‘Coming Up’ Festival!

Tim Wilson


We’ve opened booking for our Old Vic and IdeasTap project – the Coming Up Festival! Heritage Arts Company have been managing the progress of the festival and chairing the Creative Directors. The Collective are a group of creative producers with a brilliantly wide range of disciplines, all under 30 and all on the cusp of becoming real players in some very difficult professions. This programme of events will tell you how broad their interests and skills are, and also it will tell you a lot about the generosity of the various supporters of the project. Creative industries face an uncertain future, and the opportunity provided by this project, both this year and hopefully in the future, demonstrates how hard the Heritage Arts Company has been working to provide a professional creative community for tomorrow.

We begin with Jamie Lewis Hadley’s wrestling extravaganza, quickly followed by Cherry Franklin, whose Old Roots/New Routes project brings together some fantastic music and spoken word acts. Daisy Evans’ Dido & Aeneas is a groundbreaking personalisation of the opera experience, and Nina Smith closes off the first week with her sumptuous and devilish Caravaggio-inspired banquet, Eat Your Heart Out. And while Spike Laurie has commissioned a new play to form a part of his multi-platform ‘Civil Unrest’, Preethi Mavahalli is curating a fortnight of films that you won’t catch anywhere else. Associated producers Rachel Tyson and Alex LeRoux are bringing even more life to the venue with the Coalition double-bill of new writing and the club night Electric Tunnels.

Coming Up is a launchpad for these six Creative Directors – you’ll be seeing more of them, and with any luck, they’ll be seeing more of you. A creative community includes everyone from technicians to audiences, and it’s exciting to welcome you in.

All Coming Up! tickets are FREE and can be booked here. Do it fast; you won’t regret it.